On Wednesday September 23rd and 24th,
the Center for European Nuclear Research (CERN) will open a theoretical
wormhole that may very well prove to exist.
The machine that has been built to execute the program is
called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), this 27 kilometer wide machine, housed
300 feet below the earth’s surface, is considered to be the biggest machine ever
built by man in recent times. And on Wednesday next week will collide two sub
atomic particles together at 99.99997% the speed of light. The created reaction
is expected to be the opening of a black hole which theoretically connects to
another part of the universe.
The scientists at CERN admit that they have no idea what may
come out of the other side of that portal, but study of black holes in space
show that black holes are like giant vacuum cleaners that suck in everything
around them. The experts also say while there is a very real possibility of something
of unknown origin coming from the other side of the black hole, they could also
send something through if they wanted to.
The consequence of opening an inter-dimensional portal
ranges from catastrophic earth changes like rapidly increased global warming
activity to violent volcanic eruptions. Looking at the subject of global
warming, Pope Francis is expected to make a disclosure on global warming during
his visit to the United States on Wednesday 23rd.
Could the Large Hadron Collider which has sucked up some $4
billion dollars prove to be a tool for mass destruction and climate
manipulation or a step further in the advancement of science in the 21st
century world and beyond? Only time will tell.
I personally know that thousands of years ago there's been a prophecy about the opening of the "bottomless pit" so to say and some evil being coming out of it. but not to sound creepy, we shall see. read (the Bible) Revelation 9:3-10 and Revelation 9:11 ya'all..